Friday, January 9, 2015

Surprise!  After a long, long time, I have started blogging again. 

Why?  Well, there is lots of news and I have had you on my mind.  I have felt a real need to connect to my friends that are far away or that I hardly ever see.  You have been on my mind for months now.  I miss you. 

Between work, church and of course, motherhood, life is busy, as we all know, so I hope that this helps me reconnect with so many of you that have played a big part in my life.  Let's talk!

All is well at the Keck house.  Hadley is now 10 years old and Shepherd is 7.  Can you believe it?  Amazingly, I continue not to age one bit.  Chad has still not reached 40, a point of contention for me.  Well, that's what you get when you marry a younger man!

We do, however, have BIG news!  After almost 7 years, we have decided to adopt again.  Yes, China.  Yes, a boy.  No, wait, I mean 2 boys!!  We are adopting 2 four year old boys from 2 different provinces - (they are about 3 months apart).  They are approximately 1000 miles away from each other at this time. 

How did this happen?  Well after asking Chad about every 2 months if we were ever going to adopt again, one day, he said YES!  So, we started the process.  This time, however, it would be different.  We wanted to adopt a child that was living where Shepherd did - his foster home, Harmony House.  He had such wonderful care and we have become such big supporters, that we wanted to go back there....

Instead of doing most of the paperwork first, we would identify our child first.

Sounds easy enough.

Wrong - looking on a website means looking at many children.  Our #2 stole our hearts as did our #1 that we had identified. 

How could we choose?  Well, we couldn't, so we have been granted a rare exception to adopt 2 boys at the same time! 

We hope to travel in the Fall.  We are excited, scared and so, so happy all at the same time!  As we progress in this journey, we want to invite you to follow us.

I would also love to see recent pictures of your family as well as finding out what you are up to these days.